Maple Old Fashioned Syrup - Runamok

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Maple and whiskey were made for each other so it makes sense that the very best old fashioned would be made with a maple-based mixer. Runamok uses only 100% organic maple syrup and real herbs and spices, without any refined sugar. not too sweet with a small bite from their own bitters, everything needed for the perfect cocktail is included in the mixer – just add bourbon (try Griffo's Stout Barreled or Stony Pointy Whiskeys!) The richness and depth of flavor from the maple has created a new standard for old fashioned cocktails.

Keep it simple and enjoy this syrup in an "Amber Old Fasioned":

  • 1 part Maple Old Fashioned Syrup
  • 3 parts Griffo's Stout, Stony, or Rye Whiskies
  • Twist of Lemon Peel
  • Ice

In a short glass, pour in cocktail syrup and whiskey. Stir to blend. Add a few cubes of ice, stir continuously until chilled, and serve.